1. Religion

I have many beliefs and Ill start with religion. Im an atheist and have been for years, since I understood the concept of religion. As I talked about in my rant on The Theory of a New Earth, the thought of following any religion with a god(s) or higher power doesn't make sense to me, with all the overwhelming pointing towards evolution and the big bang theory. If solid evidence or enough evidence comes up that proves creation or a god then i'd gladly change my religious views, they are purely logic based.

2. Politics

I believe in both wings of the political systems, right and left. I wish communism worked as a political system, as its pretty much the perfect system-in theory. Although its never successfully worked, I believe it could pretty much make a utopia. I also believe in the right side of the spectrum, and I think it should be used, because it works.

3. How to live life

I think you should live however you want to, and not listen to what people say about you. Treat people how you expect to be treated and do what you want.