To me, religion is like Paul Rudd. I see the appeal, and I would never take it away from anyone.

-Jeff Winger
This quote basically summarizes my opinion on religion. It doesn't make sense to me, I see it as a waste of time, but I see why people have it. My guess is having a god, someone to look up to, and someone to dump all your sins and hopes on. 
Some people base there entire lives around there religion, with no proof if their particular god even exists. But I still think its a great concept, people who are religious tend to be good people. At least it gives people a moral compass.
This post is going to be pretty short but this is how I feel about religion.

5/5/2013 10:37:47 pm

I agree with you about religion, it is a good point you made! You could of expanded on your ideas though, this would of made it that much better! Very good point and blog though! Good job!

Ariel (ECI)
6/2/2013 10:34:23 pm

Religion is a very "touchy" topic. I am a born again christian, and I believe in god. I know what you mean, it is hard to understand some other religions, but that's where your beliefs come into place, and what kind of household you were raised in. I've even heard people converting to other religions after years of believing in another.


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