For me, home is my old house on Blue Lace. I moved two months ago, and compared to my old house, the new one blows. I moved not only into a worse house, but I also moved away from my friends. And still when I think of home, or where I live, I imagine my old house, the one I grew up in and lived in for ten years. 
Living in my new house is like being at a friends house, its not bad, but its not home. I always loved my old house, I knew it perfectly, and it made me feel at home. The new one just doesn't.
Maleeha Mukri
4/1/2013 11:23:22 pm

I can really relate to this post because I also moved from Toronto where I was was born and grew up in for 13 years... At first, I also felt the same as you... that this new place is not home and I'm away from my friends but, it's all about time and getting used to a place... Now, after 2 years I consider my new house, as 'home' and I'm connected with my friends through facebook. Change is all apart of life! :)


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